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"I believe that there are semblances between seemingly disparate ideas, . . . if we can stand back and see a larger picture." Terry Tempest Williams

Jul 27, 2008

Talk the Talk

Jodi comments that envy evaporates when she hears that yet another production of Midsummer is in repertoire.

What makes the (tenth) viewing palatable is (1) the unique production value -- music, choreography, magical sets, and (2) the morning Great Books discussions we have following performances.

The picture above shows but half of our group as we tackle the mind bending task of comparing a wild, colorful performance of Midsummer to a somber dark presentation of Wilder's "Our Town."

1 comment:

  1. Listen Montalvo,
    the picture you have posted convinces me more than before that this is not a production I could stand. Grown men in pink tu tus. Isn't is always a bit childish and over the top - even if they feed it with all sorts of grand props and smoke and silly costumes.
    I've never seen a production that allows me to concentrate on the language and that isn't littered with distractions.
    So, there. I'm an old lady at heart. I like to watch things slowly and not feel like I'm stuck in a modern video game that is only there to keep my visual receptors occupied.
    But I wasn't truthful entirely, because I'd give my left eyeball to be in Ashland and I am quietly kicking myself that I haven't been there already. So, enjoy! And please know how much I enjoy the visit. Give love to your mom who looks fabulous. She is a good woman and I have liked her since the day I first saw her in the Fremont auditorium.


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